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customer retention

Salesperson turning a knob to select customer retention strategy instead of acquisition.

New or Returning Customers: What’s Your Focus?

Customers, new or old, are crucial for running a successful business.  However, while all types of customers are equally important, their distinct characteristics require different marketing strategies.  Understanding these differences is essential for effective resource allocation and strategic planning. New…
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February 27, 2024
Customer opening package

What is the Role of Customer Service in Customer Retention?

Great customer service is the cornerstone of any effective customer retention strategy. It has the power to increase customer value and overall revenue, as returning customers offer more value than new customers. This suggests your customer service tactics and customer…
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June 29, 2021
Mobile phone screen with customer feedback window open and five-star review

How You Can Get More Feedback from Your Customers

Most business people are acutely aware that customer feedback is crucial to ensure they are increasing customer satisfaction, but how can you get more of it? The goal is to ultimately gain a better understanding of your customers, along with…
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June 4, 2021