How Businesses Can Successfully Deal with Change

As the economy tries to recuperate from the pandemic, market conditions and consumer spending behaviour are changing, now more than ever. Adapting to these changes can prove enormously challenging, especially for small-scale businesses that are flat-out just trying to keep operations afloat.

But if this is the mindset you’re working with, it simply won’t work. If you’re struggling to adapt to the constant change in the marketplace, the more you need to reshape your business growth strategies and explore your options. Bartercard is one good platform worth delving into. Here are just a few ways Bartercard can help business owners to grow their business during uncertain times.

Reduce your cash expenses

As the business climate changes, the more you feel the need to put expenses on hold. This can be a barrier to your growth. With Bartercard, you have the opportunity to free up your cash flow through the help of trade dollars.

When you join Bartercard, you extend your reach by opening up your business to brand new customers, on top of your existing ones. You don’t have to reach into your pocket to attract them, because our network does it for you.

Through Bartercard, you transact with other businesses using trade dollars. When you gain new customers who are willing to spend on your business, you can offset your expenses while saving cash and increasing profits.

Fund capital growth

Bartercard offers its members an advance on trade dollar sales. This means, you can invest in product development, expand your pipeline, and grow your business without having to take out a loan or overdraft, or pull cash out from your business’ own resources.

Some business owners use it to invest in new factories, office premises, shop renovations, or to develop marketing campaigns to grow their business. You can do this too.

Depending on the size of your business, equity, security, and trading volume, you can apply for an advance from $10,000 to $25,000, or more. This advance on trade dollar sales enables you to fund the capital growth necessary to increase your company’s capabilities, and continue to operate smoothly even when faced with demanding times.

Take control of your marketing strategy

As part of your Bartercard membership, your business is advertised for free to local, national, and international markets. Your products or services gain exposure through Bartercard’s online directory, eCommerce platform, e-newsletters, Trade Shows, and networking functions.

When you join our network, you’ll find Bartercard members who offer services such as advertising, marketing, website creation, and online sales development that can greatly benefit your business. You can promote your business to the cash economy through advertising and promotional items, sponsorship, and public relations.

Rather than having these services eat into your profits, you can pay for these services using your trade dollars as a valuable Bartercard member.

Grow your business with Bartercard

The only way to survive in a rapidly changing world is to adapt. The good news is, there’s always available resources that can add value to your business to get you through turbulent times. Start exploring Bartercard. We can help your business not only survive, but thrive. Visit the website or contact us and we’ll get in touch.


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Start using Bartercard TODAY!

Access Bartercard for 1 month complimentary* to see if it is the right fit for your business growth.

Access Bartercard for 1 month complimentary* to see if it is the right fit for your business growth.

*Membership fee may apply. Transaction fees will still apply for any trades that occur within the first month. Monthly membership: $49 a month, trade fees may apply.