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How are B2B and B2C Marketing Different?

The most basic way that businesses make a profit is to sell their goods and services. To do so first requires that businesses provide a good or service, then to market that product and make sales. However, there are two…
January 24, 2020
BusinessBusiness tips

Bad Habits That Can Hold Back Success

Being a small business owner is an enormous task. Much of the operational responsibilities of your business rest on your own shoulders. With so much on your plate, it’s no wonder that business owners often fall into habits that may…
January 21, 2020

What are the Biggest Challenges Faced by Business Networks?

Small-to-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) often lack the sheer size they need to compete with much larger, international firms. Doing business in an environment where you’re one of the smaller fish is difficult, which is why smaller businesses often align their objectives…
January 20, 2020

What Are the Phases of the Business Cycle?

A business cycle is the natural rise and fall of economic growth over a period of time. The cycle is a useful tool for analysing the wider economy, as the upward and downward fluctuations show variations in production, employment, wages,…
January 14, 2020

How Bartercard can help with market research

Bartercard is a platform where businesses can barter trade their goods and services using trade dollars. Joining this immense online marketplace offers numerous benefits for a business owner just like you. It aids your business by turning your excess inventory,…
January 14, 2020

Best Practices for Cross-Selling and Upselling

Research shows conclusively that your existing customers are your best chance at increasing your overall sales. Closing a deal with a potential new customer is tricky and doesn’t actually happen all that often—even if your sales team are virtuosos of…
December 12, 2019